The tl;dr version is: leave your RAM alone, let the operating system manage it. Teams of people smarter than you and I have figured this problem out.
The Problem:
The advice is basically that emulating a hard-drive/ssd with system RAM will speed up your system, and that moving your paging file to the RAM Disk can improve system performance. That is just wrong. Why does this idea never seem to die the death it deserves? I think there is a lot of misunderstanding of what a page file is. There seems to be this idea that the reason a PC is running slow is because it's spending too much time writing to the paging file.
How paging files work.
All modern desktop operating systems support the idea of a paging file. In short, a page file is the operating system's way allowing programs to ask for more RAM than what actually exists. In the old days, when RAM was used up, the operating system simply returned an error when a program asked for more memory. The purpose of a page file is not to speed up a computer, it is to allow your drivers and applications to have access to more memory than is actually available on the system. Indirectly, a paging scheme can make available more RAM for other uses, which does lead to high performance.